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2015 Trip to Canowindra

Category: Wines


As always many unusual and challenging events happen as we prepare to depart on our bi-annual wine tour. The earth tilts on its axis, fish jump out of the ocean, and that sock missing from the odd sock draw four years ago is found. This year we have the most snow fall in the Blue Mountains in twenty years.


We abort our private plane charter, brave it and leave Manny and Chris's at 9.30am. There are many challenging hurdles along the way, road closures, abandoned cars in the middle of the road and John getting bogged in snow at Katoomba.

We all get off the highway to wait it out,  some at Katoomba and others at the Hydro Majestic. The road opens, the convoy continues, arriving at the OLD VIC INN at around 6.30pm. The Tesla with only 11% power remaining.

We are greeted by the most welcoming Beasley family. Jennifer, Alison and Grahame the owners of the OLD VIC INN a beautiful heritage quest house which is to be our home for three days. In the following three days we learn a lot about the heritage listed town of CANOWINDRA including its resident bush ranger and the local flamboyant doctors.

IMG_9458A quick drink to steady our nerves from the eventful day then off to TASTE CANOWINDRA for dinner. A lovely meal prepared by another family run business Bob, Marg and Shaun Craven. We were unaware that our dinner came with free wine tasting. A taste to Marg Craven was almost a schooner size. So getting tipsy did happen quite early in the evening. Our naughty young boy Peter started writing on the table cloth. After an enjoyable evening our private driver Ian (aka local fruito) took us back to the OLD VIC INN.



The tour by Craig through the beautifully restored heritage building was spectacular, no expense has been spared by the O'Dea family even down to the floor tiles. We sampled many wines here, a little disappointing. My favourite was the Savingnon Blanc.

IMG_9479Next was a quick tour of Windowrie property wine making process by Nook O'Dea that was very interesting. Nook was a energetic young woman with a feast of knowledge about winemaking. Here we sampled some wines straight from the barrels which we found to be much better than the bottled version at the Mill Cellar Door.


IMG_9485Next we arrive at Rosnay Organic vineyard. As we alight our fragrant smelling rugby bus we all see a man god called Sam. Sean immediately searches for his big thick red texta, this is one case where his red pen will just not do. Lee-anne becomes immediately tongue-tied and the rest of us stare in awe at the country man god walking towards us. We recover enough to follow him and sample the most delicious olive paste, fig preserve  and olives we have ever had. The wines were a little disappointing but it was well worth the visit to Rosnay. 



At Wallingtons we are meet by Margaret, a well travelled winemaker who served us a mouth watering beef casserole  made with her prize winning 2012 Cabernet. The 2012 Cabernet was a hit and undoubtedly  the best wine of our 2015 tour. 

IMG_9508Last stop of the day Toms Waterhole owned by Graham and Jan Kerr. Graham gave us a very informative lesson on how to make sparkling wine (champagne). Once again the wines were a little disappointing, but we found the visit well worth it for the knowledge  of winemaker Grahame and the entertaining banter between the husband and wife team possibly now named George and Mildred, a very entertaining afternoon. 

Back on the bus home to the Old VIC INN. 

Satuday evening we have our presentation dinner at the OLD VIC INN which was continously interrupted by the red laser sniper trying to assinate our team members John and Adrian. Congratulations to all our winners for the 2015 wines of the year. 



IMG_9539Sunday brings our now bi-annual Throsby Creek Oeonological Phalanx Amazing Race. Competition was fierce, as cryptic challenges are met (or not), teams are exhausted as the final race to the end is down to the wire.  Our final winners are team Sonia, Peter and Michael. Congratulations. 




As the final night draws to a close as we play Jenga by the fire, drinkin hand we discuss the Old VIC INN being a possible Throsby Creek Oenological Phalanx wine club retirement home !!!

To next time Throsby Creekers.

Au revoir.



(Awesome story by the gorgeous, event-organiser and superb Phalanxer, Rolene).

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