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Adrian and Sonia House A and House B |
Fox Creek Vixen Sparkling Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Franc
"Light red sparkling", "A very blackberry taste love it", "Champers", "Singular in flavour. Need a comparable food to enhance it.", "Dry, bubbly, not for me", "Nice current sparkly red.", "Nice to see a sparkling red! Got initial sulphur smell. Peterson’s?", "I can’t drink red bubbles", "Delicious" More>>
Peter Lehmann Black Queen Sparkling Shiraz
"Well rounded, a bit meaty", "A flat red sparkling in flavour", "Fizzy Reddie", "A sparkly with a mono flavour that works. A pleasant experience!", "Rich red sparkles.", "Nice and tasty. Nice red and spicy.", "Prob like this better. Mayb a Shiraz?", "Sparkling Shiraz?" More>>
St Andrews Cabernet Sauvignon
"Reasonable red", "A suttle flavor a ti t of age i think", "Nice with chocolates", "Chemical sub flavour, a little petroleum.", "Nice light friendly red", "A bit sweet and non-descript.", "Nice drop. Pinot?", "No bubbles", "Nice blackberries and dark chocolate" More>>
St Andrews Chardonnay 1000 ml
"Easy drinking, better once a bit warmer", "Very fruity nice", "Unusual unique flavour. Lovely", "Lovely and slightly sweet", "Sweet then dry. Strange and unique.", "Hmmm. Euro. Kind of Sauternes like but guessing vermentino?", "Fruity and dry" More>>
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